Estate Dispersal
Estate dispersals can be daunting for anyone and overwhelming for a senior or relatives shouldering the responsibility.
Working under the direction of family members, attorneys or trust officers, On Cue will organize and distribute the estate according to you and your family member's wishes with empathy, understanding, and discretion.
We will help you:
Discover & document items in all areas of home.
Arrange for qualified appraisals.
Coordinate removal or shipping of items for family and friends, and/or arrange for storage.
Schedule and oversee the services of appraisers, auctions, consignment specialists and estate sellers as needed.
Sort household contents for personal items that require shredding and disposal.
Arrange and manage charitable donation, recycling and refuse pickup.
Coordinate with and around real estate agents, handyman services and others who are contracted to help prepare the house for sale.
Other services as needed.
We understand that it is not always possible for you to be there while the estate is settled. We also understand and support you if you want to be an active participant in settling the estate, and we are here to provide support and guidance regardless of how involved you are able to be. On Cue Organizing follows a strict code of ethics developed by the National Association of Senior Move Managers, and we understand that some items found in homes are private and meant to stay that way.